I don't even know what to think about this. I don't want to be a feminazi but this is pretty crazy. I know we should honor and serve our husbands, but is this really to the extreme? Back in the day why did that seem right and now it seems "wrong" or "old-fashioned" or "ridiculous" or whatever? Maybe my views as a woman of this age make me think an article like this is completely backward.
I just can't get past things like "His topic of conversation are more important than yours" or "A good wife knows her place." God created us equal and complementary to men (with different roles, have you), not inferior like this sounds. Maybe it's just me. What do you guys think?
Oh yeah, I stole this from Amy's xanga. She totally needs to switch to blogspot. Everyone click on her link and persuade her to cross over to the Blog.