
Don't know what to update, so here's a picture from one of the emails my dad sent me.


Finding joy in the small things

These past weeks have been crazy, but only because I've let them be like that. There was a lot on my plate that I had to deal with/am still trying to deal with. So many "little" tasks need to be done, and the to-do list gets longer and longer each day.

Thursday at Vespers I was really encouraged by Randy Lanthripe's message about faithfulness. God challenged me with that- giving me small things now to develop faithfulness in my life so that in the future He can give me bigger things! That's exciting news, and I'm grateful He starts us out on the small things! The foundation I lay now will be with me my entire life and I want to cultivate things like faithfulness now so that I don't have to deal with/ "chip away at" later on in life. I am so encouraged in the Lord!

Randy also said that when we're under the gun and have no idea how we're going to finish all the things on our to-do lists, when we concentrate on faithfulness to Him first, we can take one step at a time and get jobs done. Hearing that reminded me of those times in life, especially throughout college where God has kept His promise in that! So though there's a lot to get done, I need to focus on my relationship with Him first, seek His Kingdom foremost, and let God guide the next steps. I love having Someone so powerful and faithful to trust my life with!

Anyway, studying at Panera with Lindsay was really encouraging. We talked through a lot of it, got so much behind reading done, and then this random guy came in with this huge harp and started playing. He had this whole posse of groupies with him and I really have no idea what they were doing there. I love things like that. Just out of the blue things that I can really appreciate. But what's more than that is that the first song he played was "Bridge over Troubled Water." Wow! That came from beyond the harpist! God used that song to encourage me, to tell me that He's thinking of me in that moment, in every moment. Thank you Jesus.

Why does "diet" have to start with the word "die?"

This is the question I ask myself on this day. What a week to decide to start a diet... or a lifestyle change.. or whatever word you want. What am I supposed to do when my roommate has a birthday and get 6 (yes, SIX!) cakes that are still lying around, Secret Saints starts and all my roommates are getting bags and bags of candy, and it's the most stressful week of my semester so far which makes me want to eat lots of Doritos while I study, and it all culminates on Friday with the Dessert Auction where mounds of not just regular desserts, but homemade delights fashioned by so and so's Grandma, are put up in front of me ready to be bought and eaten? Man this week is supposed to be encouraging but Satan is attacking this sweet-tooth! 1 Cor 10:31! A moment on the lips, forever on the hips. These two things I'll repeat to myself when I'm tempted. Sheesh.
"Diet starts Monday!"- Cindy, my favorite Gap Girl

I tried to think of something with which to update, but I really can't think of anything. I even googled the word "random" (and isn't it funny that "google" is a verb now? I mean, to google... or not to google....) but nothing was too cool. So I'll just leave you with this picture... of a random event that happened not so long ago.