Well, I sure did pick a good year not to be in Pride. I mean, if someone where going to make me sit through all the games this season then I think I might throw a hammer on my foot. Watching the games in the comfort of someone else's home who has cable (unlike our house... boo) still can't stop me from screaming at the top of my lungs every time Bomar threw an interception or we fumbled the ball this season. Thank the Lord for 9 stitches in my foot and not being enrolled this semester, because there is no way I'd be able to make it through every home game this year in a 145 degree Pride uniform. If we're lucky enough to get to a bowl game this year, the only one that'd probably sadly take us back is the Cotton Bowl, where we'd tread again weeks after being slaughtered by Texas. Ugh, just the thought makes me want to move to Bulgaria where I wouldn't have to hear about it forever.
Anyways, sorry about this post being about football... I'm usually not this passionate about it, but it's more of an opportunity to praise God for saving me from something pretty horrible. So, in honor of these last 2 seasons being pretty great, here is my favorite picture from the 2004 season. JWhite, we all miss you!

(This is not Photoshopped.)
Whatever Earl. You were so a witness to me standing that close to him and getting that pic. Don't deny! Yeah, we totally need to get Jimtar rolling again with the songs we've written. The world is ready for us again!
Vassar! That's encouraging. I never thought of it like that. I love you!!!
baby dizzle you can watch our cable any time you want.
Awesome picture! God has such a wonderful plan for your life this semester! Love you bunches!
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