Ode to Gardendale

This is a poem of a church from the summer
That leaving was a really big bummer
I loved all the people, especially the youth
Because we are bonded by the Truth.
So if you're out there reading this from Corpus or around
Know there's someone praying for you in another town.

OK so I totally just wrote that in literally 2 minutes. It just flowed, ya know? That poem was for all you fam from Gardendale and I'm sorry it's so cheesy. I updated this especially for you so that you could see my blog and see what it's all about. Your comments are appreciated, haha.

Here are some pictures from the summer I hope you'll all enjoy! I hope you remember all the fun times.....

Remember the Border Mullet ...
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Remember the Mexican church
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Remember the fires on the Zacatecas rooftops....
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Remember the Hooks games...
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Remember Camp....
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Remember the awesome car washes that filled our summer up...
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Remember your intern....
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Love you guys!


Holly | 12:05 PM

i heart you.