Roommate time... making cookies that we delivered to the duplexes after a nice flour fight of course.
Ok so my granddad had his company Christmas party and naturally had an Elvis impersonater come on out. This guy was hilarious with his karaoke CD track and dance moves, and was a pro at wrapping one of his cologney scarves around women and serenading them. It was a hoot.

Dan and Elv made good friends! And we got a picture with him too!

Yeah, so Amy, Dan, Buki, and I headed down to our house in the Max-mobile and with all of our presents and my family's presents and then Santa's together we had about 90 something under the tree. It was ridiculous.... what was even more crazy was the amount of spoilage Dan got. I guess he's the new favorite. (wink wink)

Awww parents! Thank you dad for passing on your model face to me. If only I could get it as intense as yours.

So Christmas day hasn't changed since we were kids, besides the fact that we know the truth about Santa. The same thing happened this year: Amy woke everyone up at the crack of dawn, we picked a spot in the living room where our unwrapped presents ended up for atleast 2 days after Christmas (we didn't want to open all of them before packing up and going), then we ate dad's high cholesterol breakfast followed by a nap and then to the movies! This year we saw "The Producers" and I am still laughing at it. HUH-larious! It was so bad yet so stinking funny and a great touch to an already great day.
Here's a run down of the presents: new acoustic and case, mp3 player, perfume (yesssss), black Converse, CDs, a fluffy pink pillow (Matt said "I saw that and thought of you!" Thanks bro!), a blingin watch from Dan (who also said "I saw that and thought of you!"), a rad d

Here's the Christmas aftermath:

Then Cottle came down to hang out and do the traditional hibachi run.

We bowled...

..... went to the beach....

.... saw Selena... COMO LA FLEUR!

And did other Corpus-y things.
Welp, it took me about an hour to do this, so peace out! Happy Holidays!
wait, wasnt there a special cookie for dan?
I like the one with the teeth
I like the one with the teeth
I LOVE YOU MUCHO! My heart is missing some pieces.
Dave...we are all trying to put that behind us!
hey, I just call the shots as I see them....
i hate the teeth. they totally creep me out.
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