I have a ton of German homework and this is what I'm doing...

Welp, lunch at Tarajumara's today sparked a question in my head. The single mariachi guy played La Bamba (not to mention playing Macarena for our white table... AND making us sing "Heeeeeey Macarena!" at the end of every chorus....) and I wondered what the words really were and what they meant.
La Bamba - Valens Richie
Para bailar la bamba
Para bailar la bamba
Se necesita una poca de gracia
a Una poca de gracia para mi para ti
ya Arriba y arriba
ay arriba y arriba por ti sere
Por ti sere
Por ti sere
Yo no soy marinero
Yo no soy marinero
Soy capitana
Soy capitana
Soy capitana
Bamba la bamba
Bamba la bamba
Bamba la bamba
Para bailar la bamba
Para bailar la bamba
Se necesito una poca de gracia
a Una poca de gracia para mi para ti
ya Arriba y arriba

Para bailar la bamba
Para bailar la bamba
Se necesito una poca de gracia
a Una poca de gracia para mi para ti
ya Arriba y arriba
ay arriba y arriba por ti sere
Por ti sere
Bamba la bamba
Bamba la bamba
Bamba la bamba

But I took French and German and do not know what these mean. So what do I do? Naturally I copied and pasted it into an online translator (Warning: Never do this when you really have to write a paper for a foreign language.)

The Bamba - Valens Richie
To dance the bamba
For dance the bamba is needed a little of grace to
A little of grace for my for you already
Up and up oh up and up by you
I was For you
I was For you
I was
I am not sailor
I am not sailor
I Am captain
I Am captain
I Am captain
Bamba the bamba
Bamba the bamba
Bamba the bamba
For dance the bamba
To dance the bamba
I am needed a little of grace to
A little of grace for my for you already
Up and up

To dance the bamba
For dance the bamba
I am needed a little of grace to
A little of grace for my for you already
Up and up oh up and up by you
I was For you
I was
Bamba the bamba
Bamba the bamba
Bamba the bamba

But even after that, I had no idea what it meant! So my friend Goodle helped me out.
The repeated lyric "Yo no soy marinero" ("I'm not a sailor") refers to Veracruz's marine locale and the male's promise that he will remain faithful to his wife."

"What exactly does "La Bamba" mean? Consider: "Bambolear" means swinging or swaying, and a "bambollero/bambollera" is a someone who likes to boast (e.g., "I'm not a sailor, I'm a captain!"). "
I hope this was as educational for you as it was for me.


Ronnica | 6:08 AM

I miss you too!

Sarah | 2:44 PM

Riche Valens and La Bamba were the answers to an extra credit on my Shakespeare test. My teacher likes pop culture and asked us to name one famous rock star that died in a plane crash in 1959. Valens was one and Buddy Holly was another. Okay that was random :) Have a great day!

Ryan | 11:07 AM
