Here's the wicked Mexifemullet we saw right before crossing over to Mexico. Beautiful, I know.

Here's our van. We were the old people. The other van was full of all the 10th graders, but we had fun being all sophistocated, playing games like Count the Volkswagon Bugs (there had to be atleast 1000 bugs on the way down, and that might even be an understatement. Mexico and Germany must have some sort of secret, underground car treaty going on.. that's the only explanation) and Truth or Truth? Ahhhh good times. I know them a lot better now.

The part of Mexico we were in was in the midst of tons of breathtaking mountains. (Sound like a tour guide).

Ahhhh... the girls. We had to do an album cover outside of Pastor Osvel's house. Here we are, the Psycho 5 (from left to right: The Cute One- Tara, The Cool One- Ashley, The Sassy One-Jenny, The Crazy One- Cat, and the Young One- Lessye). Anyways, in the background you can see like a billion tiny houses.

And here's the church on the rooftop of Osvel's house. Yes, that is the church. We had about 20 chairs set up top for the church to have service. It's so crazy- Zacatecas has about 800,000 people (almost 3 Corpus Christis) and this is the ONLY Baptist Evangelical Church in the city. Every other church there is Catholic. It dawned on me about halfway through their rooftop service how little the workers are in the city and how huge the harvest is. Wow.... I'm kind of in awe of how God is going to commission more people to go out into the world.

This picture's pretty cool. Dave was just strummin on the edge of the roof, and for miles around all we could see were houses and more houses and more houses... full of lost people. And right behind us on that roof were 20 Christians who had to reach them. But God can move mountains, right? I'm sure He could move that huge mountain we were looking at.

The View.

Oh and did I mention that it was like the most beautiful weather ever down there? It was like stinking cold at night.... in MEXICO. That's weird.
We had this bonfire on the rooftop (of course) one night. Well, whoever the genius was behind this plan made the fire in, yes it's true, a cardboard box!

We were singing and guitaring and the box like blew up and embers kept flying everywhere and burning people left and right. It was short-lived, that bonfire. May you rest in peace. Here it is in it's full-fledged flaming... everyone pictured before sitting down are now up and against the wall, trying to save their own lives.

And then my camera battery died and nowhere in Mexico can you find a $10 (or 100 pesos) E2 Lithium battery to save your life. But everyone else has some sweet pictures I'll get of other stuff. I still want to talk about the night we shared the Jesus Film, which was by far my absolute favorite night of the week.
Oh yeah, this picture is for Amers. I found some of your boys lurking around last night after youth group. They should look familiar here doing their boy band pose.

That was an awesome post! I miss my boys tons! I miss you more! Great pictures. I like the flaming box one. IDIOTS.
Love you bye!
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