Our duplex was bustling with a huge girls slumber party.... probably one of the best dance parties in a while.

We had a great game of Truth or Dare. Go Amy! You were the best Christmas telegram I've seen in a while!

I didn't get a good picture of the guys tying our doors shut or me having to stick cookie dough up my nose and eating it ..... it was a dare!...... Anyhoo....
Ahhhh Homecoming. We had some fun in the sun on the South Oval before the parade.
Me and Tygre jump for joy! Go Sooners!

Go Rita and Beck!

The parade was OK.

We got to see Mock, Amy, Tim, and CoJo dance in it. Great tango, guys...

.... and there was that awesome kid rattail in front of us the whole time..

Welp, then we had this fab retreat at the retreat center.

Complete with "dressing up." Crump you were an awesome Rose from Titanic.

Ahhhh bonfires...

Then we headed to Tulsa for the Shane and Shane and David Crowder concert...

Tygre had to learn the words to Crowder's new CD on the way up.

Shane and Shane singin "Fringes!"

Crowder! "Behold, the Keytar!"

He is a skinny skinny man, that Crowder.....
He was even nice enough to take a picture with the three of us...

So this "stray dog" ended up hanging out with us over Halloween weekend. We named him Killer.

Awww Jacob loves little Killer..... ok so he ended up belonging to these Frat guys across the street and his name turned out to be somethink like Lee Harvey Oswald... yeah, I don't get it either.....

Halloween partay! Funness in the Haunted House.... complete with graveyard...

...Felicia being hit by a car....

.... Dave being a Jack in the Box (he was scarier with the make-up)....

..... and Tim hanging Jacob in the meat locker....

.... and there were other scary things but I can't capture screaming girls (and certain Bryan D's) on camera.. so you'll have to take my word for it.
Welp, it's been real. Leave some love guys!
Awesome! Sounds like you've been having a good time. Love ya!
Great post!
Great post Jenny! Um yeah, it definitaly took my computer about three hours to download the page with all the pics! Piece of junk! anyway, have a good one!
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