
The tradition of the Pilgrims' first Thanksgiving is steeped in myth and legend. Few people realize that the Pilgrims did not celebrate Thanksgiving the next year, or any year thereafter, though some of their descendants later made a "Forefather's Day" that usually occurred on December 21 or 22. Several Presidents, including George Washington, made one-time Thanksgiving holidays.
Can you believe it? I looked up some Turkey Day urban legends, and it turns out that pilgrims didn't even wear black and white and big buckles all the time! And to make matters worse, they didn't even eat ham, sweet potatoes, or pumpkin pie! What are we teaching our kids these days? We need to start telling this next generation that pilgrams and Indians weren't all buddy buddy and didn't sit at a long table eating ham and cranberry sauce to make peace. Let's bring out the truth.... the truth about colored clothing and belt buckles! Who's with me?????
Have a great Thanksgiving!
(What is it about holidays that nobody updates their blogs/xangas? I mean, I can understand if you're at your grandma's house and of course she doesn't have a computer... but there's no excuse for the rest of you!)
Who the heck are the pilgrams?
I kinda posted...a little. I'm all for exposing the truth, but I had so much fun in elementary school tracing my hand and making a turkey out of it.
Amers, this is an answer to your question and for lots of other questions.
wow, all my happy memories of thanksgiving and playing pilgrims and Indians has been a lie! Oh what a travesty. I guess I will have to throw away the construction paper black hat and belt buckle and tell little Timothy and Daniel to take off their feathers and war paint because its not truthful. If you say so jenny, it will be hard on the little ones, but we must be true to history I guess.
i miss you...
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