Well, here's my top five from the weekend of Fiesta
1. Belting out love songs and taking teeny bopper magazine quizzes like "What flirting style are you?" in the car with Allison
2. getting 33 trucks to honk at us on the highway. (Yes, I even cranked my arm out the window with raindrops hitting my arm at 80 miles an hour... ouch!)
3. our ghetto sound systen consisting of a huge boom box and a car adaptor thanks to the Powell's car's CD player/radio not working. Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
4. Yelling BOOMER SOONER the entire time the Longhorn band was marching in front of us at the parade(Initiated by Kels). Good times and good stares from the 80000 Texas fans around us.
5. Cascarones.
6. Oh yeah, and hearing *cough* someone say "Just flash us if you need us to pull over." (Meaning, flash your brights.) Am I going to get rebuked for having this on here?
Pictures soon to come! Viva La Mexico!