To my dear sister, Amy

Amy reems me for never updating. However, she has no basis for her pleas because I have updated. Blogspot is always a huge bucket of ghetto every time I try to blog, because I'll write a magnificent piece of work and click on "Publish Post" and the infamous "page cannot be displayed" appears. Almost every time I tried to publish last night (yes, I rewrote one 3 times.... it was that good) that stupid page would come up, and my blog would be lost forever.
So, Amy Liz, sorry if I can't control the world wide web. I've tried. That's all I can do.
I'll be really surprised if I can publish this. Pray "page cannot be displayed" doesn't show up....


Jenny | 3:45 PM

funny how it works on the not-so-good blogs...

Holly | 8:32 PM

try hitting the back button and you'll get it back. or copy it all before posting and it you loose it, you can paste in a new window. or save it as a draft and then post it. lastly you can write it in word or something and paste it in. you must not let technology out smart you.

Amyzing | 7:06 AM

that was harsh. I am feeling no lovin.

Anonymous | 8:34 PM

I second the copy-before-you-send-just-in-case idea. Unfortunately, hitting back often doesn't work, so it's a good habit to get into when submitting -anything- long via web form.

I found your site searching for Supertropolis. That was a tad harsh. ;-) Some of their lyrics are better than others; I've not heard the ones you mentioned.