Mawwiage is what bwings us togeva todayyy.... Congrats my best frien from home, Jayme, on your engagement. Yes. Everyone is getting engaged. Spring fever is definitely happening.
Here's a picture of her beautiful ring. Nice carats!
i'm going to go ahead and start working out this summer in anticipation of possible weddings i may need to be in soon.
there is nothing worse than being the maid of honor and having to bend down in front of everyone to straighten the bride's dress.....your tush stuck out for all to see. *shudder* that is not a fun job.
No weddings for me to go to in the summer. No one gets married in the summer (maybe crazy people) in Arizona. We like winter and spring weddings. I'll only be a bridesmaid once this year! I'm excited, though, cause she's a great friend.
What do the diamonds stand for: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Is she Catholic or something? I think Pedro would say it is a "holy ring or somting!"
i'm going to go ahead and start working out this summer in anticipation of possible weddings i may need to be in soon.
there is nothing worse than being the maid of honor and having to bend down in front of everyone to straighten the bride's dress.....your tush stuck out for all to see. *shudder* that is not a fun job.
OH snap..... Thanks for that reminder.... because I'm a maid of honor for 4 people already.... snaps!
No weddings for me to go to in the summer. No one gets married in the summer (maybe crazy people) in Arizona. We like winter and spring weddings. I'll only be a bridesmaid once this year! I'm excited, though, cause she's a great friend.
I think that me and my friends are keeping the diamond market afloat.
Woah, you totally commented right when I had checked my blog. It's like.... weird.
That girl's fingers are huge!! Geez, that ring is the size of a sewer pipe.
What, I thought Dan delteeted his blog.
I wonder who "removed" their comment from here.....
I removed it. It posted twice.
Dan is flying under the radar with Xanga again.
What do the diamonds stand for: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Is she Catholic or something? I think Pedro would say it is a "holy ring or somting!"
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