Tonight has been great!

Well, tonight has been great, as the title of this post states. First of all, the Dessert Auction pulled in over $500! With the amount of people there, we expected to get maybe $200. To everyone who was there: You encouraged us a lot! Thanks for coming and giving!
Secondly, we had some amazing girl time at the duplexes. I don't know. There is something about just hanging out with a bunch of girlfriends that really refuels my tanks. Don't get me wrong- I like boys! But when it's a bunch of girls in pajamas watching cheesy movies about dancing and then dancing ourselves, there's no real need to put on a front or pretend to be someone you're not. Believe it or not, but girls act WAY differently around guys than they do with all girls. It's amazing the vast differences. This might just be me. I am such a people pleaser that I can be very hard on myself for stupid things. But tonight, I was myself. I acted like an idiot, danced my favorite moves, and was just Jenny in front of people I knew would love me no less. There's something neat about that for a sanguine....
Thirdly, I have a cream cheese caramel apple pie sitting on my desk waiting to be devoured. This was not the best time for me (and you Felicia!) to give up sweets. I have an insatiable sweet tooth that I have to get under control.
Lastly, God is good all the time! I can't really explain here the things he has been telling me lately. I know I may not show it at all, but this last week has been really confusing and difficult and kind of like a "hello God! Are ya hearing me here?!" week. But He's answered my prayers when I shut my mouth long enough to listen to Him. I'm sure had God not made me super-optimistic about life, I'd show negative emotions more. Oh well!
Anyways, it is 2 a.m. and I have no idea what I'm really writing about right now. I'm kind of drained from this week, and to tell you the truth, everything (schedule-wise) is about to get nuts! I'm so glad for Matthew 6:33-34 because I can seek His kingdom first and everything else is added to me, AND I don't have to worry about tomorrow! What a cool promise!