One of the joys of living in South Texas during the summer is the huge liklihood for hurricanes. Well, the skies are dark... there's thunder and lightening... and Hurrican Emily is headed straight at us. It probably won't hit Corpus directly, but we'll sure get a huge chunk of the weather. Pray for us as we board up our windows and head out of town to San Antonio!
dude, I'll be praying and watching em's progress.
Wow, it sounds like you have had an eventful summer. I miss you and love you and hop that you are staying safe with all this hurricane business. See what happens when you leave the country for long periods of time. You have no idea what is going on when you return. It's kind of scary. Like today I saw that Jennifer Garner and Ben Afflect got married. What happened there. Didn't they date for what, like a day. I'm sorry Holly that this had to happen and put Alias in jeopardy. Oh, well.
Oh, that was linz who left the previous comment. I forgot to sign my name. We'll blame this on the jet lag. :)
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