Welp, it's that day again- the day some dread, the day some dream of. It's Valentine's Day, or as some like to call, "Single Awareness Day." So what?
So what if you're single? Why is that such a big deal? In America alone there exist over 82 million single people. So for all you loners out there: don't get depressed because you are sooo not alone! People, especially our ages, get so emotionally scary on this one day in the year because they do not have some sort of significant other, someone to call their own. Now, I'm not saying I've never had a day when I wished I weren't single, but the propensity for this ides of February to depress millions of people is a little much.
For all you unsingle peeps: Bravo! I'm happy for you, so enjoy today, the day of love, and don't let the single people get you down. In fact, you won't have to worry about them after they have read this blog.
Back to the sad singles out there. As Charlotte said from her Web, "Chin up," which basically means stand up tall and proud and move on. Why avoid this day when you can adore it for all the other people who get to celebrate it with someone else? Why loathe it when you can learn to listen to the love lovers lament to their loved ones? Why dread Valentine's Day when you can deal with it and move on? Didn't Burt Bacharach say, "What the world needs now is love sweet love"? Didn't the Beatles tell us that all we need is love? Sinatra claimed that "love is a many splendored thing"! So why all the hating against those who have it on this day?
I guess I'm OK with writing this because, well, I really like seeing people being loved.

Seeing girls at work with bouquets of flowers from their whoevers makes me really happy for them. Watching people go on their V-Day dates is awesome! Go them! If love is true, it's patient and isn't jealous. I know my Father is giving me some flowers today-- He's planted them all over for me, flowers of all kinds and shapes and colors and smells, such a variety of flowers so I can pick the ones I want. What more could I ask for?? And why should I be jealous?
And we all have single friends! Let's get over ourselves and tell them to have a great Valentine's Day!
I love this poem by Shellie Warren. Here's an excerpt from "I'm single and that's all right with me":
What makes you think that my present status is not a God-given
right, a woman's choice and a healthy decision?
Who told you that without a man, something's missing from my
life, and if so, what would that be?
I love myself, and more importantly,
I love the Lord
He told me when I delight in Him,
He will give me the desires of my heart
I have everything I need according to His riches in glory
Now, how's a man gonna get to know me
when he doesn't even know himself
See, my Father told me that I am above a ruby's worth,
and a gem does not seek, it is sought, so why would I sell myself
No, I'm single and that's all right with me
Girl, as a woman I know it's not my role to chase after any boy
who professes to be a man
Esther 2:14 states that I am to wait on my king,
and when he's delighted in me, he will call me by my name
My Mama didn't name me Needy or Desperate
I am to be cherished, relished, valued, honored
It's not my job to convince him or convict him of that
My mate will already know it and consistently show it.....
I'm single and that's all right with me.
I love that! I'm not a femi-nazi or anti-man. Don't get me wrong, I like the guys, and I would be dan

dy if I weren't single anymore, but I'm not going to get all hung up on my singleness. Because God wants me to be like that on this one day. And because I know He's holding out the best for me, I can see this V-Day as a celebration for waiting for the right one. And the right one will come looking for me and will reall

y value me, because I am, like God's Word says, a GEM, and deserving of being sought after. And so are all of you.
I hope this wasn't a total cheese fest. It was just what I was thinking at the time. And I'm not pro-single more than pro-not-single. I can't wait to be not single. That's a lot of "not"s.